Dharma Now! (EN)
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Lernumgebung verlassen
27th March
Introductory lecture
1 Lektion
28th March
'Mind' in Buddhism? Part 1
1 Lektion
Sunday, April 5.
'Mind' in Buddhism? Part 2
1 Lektion
Sunday, April 12.
Enacting Original Mind
1 Lektion
Sunday, April 19.
Two tracks of experience I
1 Lektion
Sunday, April 26.
Two Tracks of Experiencing II
1 Lektion
Sunday, May 3.
Forming and Reforming the Bodilimind
1 Lektion
Sunday, May 10.
'When have they ever flown away?'
1 Lektion
Sunday, May 17.
Step-by-step Mandala
1 Lektion
Sunday, May 24.
Opening the world through its details
1 Lektion
Sunday, May 31.
Dharma Now! May 31st
1 Lektion
Sunday, June 07.
Re-naming the World
1 Lektion
Sunday, June 14.
Dharma Now! June 14th
Discussion, Q&A
2 Lektionen
Sunday, June 21.
Dharma Now! June 21st
Discussion, Q&A
2 Lektionen
Sunday, June 07.
Re-naming the World
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